Episode 5. 'You stink, stupid!'

December 10, 2023 00:34:25
Episode 5. 'You stink, stupid!'
World According to GEMINI
Episode 5. 'You stink, stupid!'

Dec 10 2023 | 00:34:25


Show Notes

Why do we smell? Do we have to? Is it a good thing or not?

But first I'll tell you about some of my students....A policeman, a priest, a neurotic lady with the 3 inch nails and a sneaky German girl who turned out to be much smarter than I am.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the world according to Germini. First, a quick apology. In my previous podcast, I was saying Germanize, and one of the listeners was only too happy to stick it to me in a very unpleasant way. She said, for your information, there's no need to use s every single time as Germinae, a plural already, in case you're interested. Yeah. So I spoke to a few people. I went online to take some grammar lessons, and I still haven't a clue to use or not to use. So my deepest and sincerest apologies. And if any of you good people notice any other mistakes I make, keep it to yourself. Thank you. Now, I couldn't really get angry with this lady's attitude as she happens to be my student. We have a business relationship, you see. She pays me money for violin lessons, and in exchange, I listen to her complaints, just about everything. About her kids, about her husband, politicians, foreigners. Actually, she loves to complain about all those Gypsies, Polish, Chinese, Ukrainians, Indians, Nigerians, and especially about those people from West Cork. They are supposed to be Irish, she says, but they speak their own language, which only foreigners can understand. And so she talks and she talks, and I listen. And if there is five or ten minutes left in the end of the lesson, we might play a scale or two. Then she goes home happy. And I am left feeling miserable and angry with myself for being such a wimp. But I still have other 30 or so other students who actually want to learn something. And to be fair, they are doing pretty well. And if they talk, they don't complain. They tell stories. Happy stories like this. [00:02:18] Speaker B: You see, you're not a kid, so you don't understand. If I told you right now, if you're a kid, you would understand. There are some things that kids understand, and there are some things adults understand. [00:02:31] Speaker A: No, I used to be a kid. [00:02:33] Speaker B: All right, I know. [00:02:33] Speaker A: Which means that I already know it. Yes. Okay, so where's your logic, missy? [00:02:39] Speaker B: It's kind of weird because my dad makes some jokes, and my mom starts like. And I just don't understand. So everybody be like. And I'll be sitting there like. I don't be like, what about you? When you make a joke, it's all funny. I'm a real dancy joke. [00:03:06] Speaker A: Okay, now. Okay, hold on. Now. Okay. Little pose. Yes. Like this make you happy? To be honest, sometimes you might get an OD character or two. Once I had a German girl who wanted intensive lessons, and actually, she was really good. She was taking notes, and she was writing down everything I said every single word, and only by accident. I found out that usually right after our lesson, she would have her own violin student and she would teach him exactly what I taught her 1 hour ago, using the same notes she made during my lesson. And the best part was she charged her student twice what I charged her. When I found out, I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. But she was like, I'm a poor student. I wouldn't be able to afford your lessons otherwise. Well, makes sense. And about eight years ago, Catholic priest came to me. He said he wanted private lessons. I said, sure. He said he wanted two hour long lessons. I said, okay. And then he said, I know teachers are not earning a lot, so don't be shy about your fees. I said, I will not, Father. And so I came to his place for our first lesson. Well prepared. I was. I had my computer music manuscript, a violin, a notebook, a pencil, the whole lot. So I came in and there was a table laid out. Tea, sandwiches, cupcakes, toast, jams, honey, the whole lot. I thought, why not? We sat down and he started, and what religion you are, Olek? I said, I'm a Christian. Lovely. He said, and what about your family? Well, you see, I have a very big family. We have Christians, Catholics, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, Jewish, Protestants, vegetarians. We have all types. How lovely. He said. And so for the rest of the lesson, we were just talking. We're discussing Torah, Testament, Quran, Talmud, Book of Genesis. He actually turned out to be a very interesting character. No music was played. He just wanted to talk about theology and different religions. That's it. 2 hours later he said, thank you very much, and shook my hand. I looked at my hand and there was a ten urine note in it. I said, what is this, Father? He said, why you go to the restaurant and if you like the food, you leave a tip. I liked our lesson very much. So here's a tip for you. Go and have a drink with me. Well, I laughed and said, okay, but don't do it again. I'm your teacher after all. And then there was this old retired garter policeman who wanted to learn piano, but instead we would just exchange stories. Long ago, I used to train with military police for a while, so we both had nostalgic moments, comparing the interrogation techniques, pressure points, crowd control, tear gas, the usual teacher student talk. Then there was a lady who I suspect took my classes in order to make her husband jealous. And one day I got a visit from this husband. He was very polite. He inquired if I will agree to give her two lessons a week instead of one, and for the lessons to be longer. He said, whatever I charge, he will pay. Poor thing. That was a man to man moment. I felt his pain, I looked him in the eye and I said, I'm really sorry, but my schedule is full. Well, I hope they are not together anymore. Then I had a lady who had a hysterical feet. When I told her she could not possibly play violin with her three inch long nails, she actually screamed at me. I'm not catching me nails for you. You know how much it cost me? So you might agree that being told about your faulty grammar is not the worst thing you can hear from a student. Anyway, that was a little entertainment. All those stories just to prepare you for the main part of this podcast, we're going to continue our conversation about how we corrupt our senses and how it will result in our total extinction as species. Smell. You know, kids love to say things like, you stink. So why do we stink? Nobody else does. Only us humans. Well, I will tell you, but first, what is smell? It's information. All our senses do is they provide complete information about our environment. And the first purpose of this InformatioN is to ensure our safety, to warn us of a danger from an animal, substance, plant, anything which can cause us harm. And then when our safety is established, our senses serve us further so we can continue to act on our two main basic instincts, to fulfill our two main objectives, nutrition and procreation, food and sex, and the rest, which is optional, by the way. There's an interesting fact about the sense of smell from the lady, Amber Lyon, who is an assistant professor at the University of Texas Health Science center at Houston. She says we can detect more than 1 trillion different distinct sense. You see how important the sense is. Now, I'm sure you saw this scene many times. Two doggies running towards each other, full with anticipation. They stop for a second and then what do they do? Yes, they sniff each other. And then based on the information they received, they can start playing, they can start fighting, they go eat someone, or they just ignore each other. So what kind of Information? They got everything. Your personal order is your uniform, like in the army. Your smell indicates the state of your Health, food you ate, your hormonal or emotional state, your intentions, everything. Now, you heard this phrase, I could feel the fear or I could smell the anger. All processes in our bodies are combined mechanical, electrical and chemical processes. And so they produce smell. Our emotions are chemical processes. So yes, of course, we smell of fear, pain or happiness. We produce a distinctive smell when we are sick. When we are tired, rested or hungry. Or curious or irritated. When we are ready to do a bit of romance. Or when we are not in the mood for any carnal activities. We smell different when we are lonely. And this is not a romantic nonsense. This is a scientific fact. All those smells are information. We receive and evaluate this information by using our sensory organs, nervous system and brainS. In order to establish how we are going to interact with our environment and each other. Our brains rely on this information. Our safety depends on it. So it has to be precise and accurate. And is it? Absolutely not. We get rid of our order and replace it with artificial smell so we don't smell like us. We transmit the false information exactly in the same way as we falsify or modify our visual appearance. Using cosmetics, clothes, hairstyles, surgery. Exactly in the same way we modify our oral information. By saying things and pretending that we are not what we are. We say things in order to look better. We hide our intentions. We manipulate. We say little white lies or big black lies. We say things which we are supposed to say because it's polite. Because we don't want to offend someone. Or because we live in this politically correct madness. Where you can be castrated for stating truth. Or speaking of facts. You get my drift? We were given the most sophisticated sensory system to help us navigate in this world. And we manage to falsify practically everything we transmit. So is it a surprise that more and more people are getting confused and disconnected from reality? People get together thinking they know each other. But the reality is all they see in each other is an artificially created image. An avatar, like a Facebook or in a computer game. Totally fake. They meet, they have a bit of romance. They spend a month or two together and decide to spend the rest of their lives together. They go to the church and say, till death do us part. Yeah, right. When hormones are down and routine starts. That's when they start to really learn about each other. Very soon they realize that their partner is a total stranger to them. So they get a divorce till the next time. And then there's this till death to us part routine again. And it is to be expected when everything about the person, the appearance, behavior, words, sounds, smells, everything is modified. Fake, in other words. And talking about reality and fake. We didn't even touch the subject of one of the most harmful factors in our lives. Like social media, computer games, virtual reality and so on. I will give you some more bad news. And then I will explain to you how it's all actually a blessing. In disguise, and how we can turn everything around, become a bunch of happy, healthy, enlightened human beings wearing white robes, holding hands, sitting around the campfire barefoot and singing Kumbaya, my lord, Kumbaya. Easy. But bad news. First, let's talk about our morning routine and about how we assault our senses every single morning in most brutal and harmful ways. We are lying in our comfortable, soft, warm, and cozy beds, dreaming about nice and fluffy things. We dream of times when we were free, young and beautiful, when we had hair and didn't have back pain, hemorrhoids, triple bypass, high blood pressure, and plastic dentures. So we are in our beds, relaxed. Our muscles, our nervous system, our cardiovascular system, brain activity, metabolism, everything is working smoothly, slowly, and in perfect harmony. No stress, no panic. And then boom. An alarm clock hits us on the head like a baseball bed. I work with sound. I know how it can affect our nervous systems. For example, did you know that two minutes of listening to a banjo every day for a week can result in digestion problems? Well, it's just my own experience. And what about those alarm sounds from our phones? [00:16:39] Speaker B: It. It. [00:17:08] Speaker A: Those infernal devices have a collection of the most horrible and harmful sound samples and ringtones which can give you a heart attack any time of the day. But in the morning, they simply murder your nervous system. They are harsh and loud in order to yank you out of bed. So they put you in a state of red alert, stress and panic. You might not be aware of this, because if you are like me, you're not aware of anything in the morning. You don't even know who you are. But the truth is, we are not supposed to be woken up like this. It's supposed to be a slow, gentle, and gradual process. All our systems should be waking up slowly, one by one, and without any drama. But no, you are assaulted by this harsh alarm sound. You are being kicked out of the warm and comfortable womb into this crazy world filled with loud sounds, strong smells, bright colors. And by the way, also from this moment, you are on the clock. You run. You have ten minutes to wash, ten minutes to dress, ten minutes to eat, 30 minutes to find your car case, and then you jump in your car and start driving. You drive to work as fast as you can because you are late, obviously, and while you drive, you put your radio on in order to get another dose of wars, disasters, economical crashes, rising prices, scandals, all the good news just to make you feel better about yourself. So you are already in a demanded state, stressed out of your mind. You scream at drivers changing lines in front of you and somebody screams at you for being a dope. Well, that's that easy if you are alone. Now, having kids makes the whole experience so much more exciting. Two kids in the car in an early morning can literally drive you to suicide. Their blood sugar will be dangerously high from all usual breakfast stuff. So of course they'll be screaming, fighting, arguing, throwing up and making your life a misery. And of course they wouldn't understand that you are sitting behind the controls of a half tone vehicle capable of causing a lot of damage if not operated with due care and attention. Most fender benders happen at the times when you bring or you collect your kids from the school. Anyway, you got the idea. But it's not only the state of our nervous systems I was going to talk about. There are two activities we perform every morning which damage our health immensely. First, food. Obviously, you know this idea that you have to stuff yourself in the morning. Very clever. There's a thing which is called dome phenomena. What happens is your liver dumps sugar into your blood in the morning before you wake up. Our body knows that we're about to start functioning, so it prepares for this by releasing hormones and sugar into our blood. Our systems and services in our bodies are already in the red zone after the heat on the head with this alarm clock. And then, because we hear this rubbish about eating breakfast like a king, we stuff ourselves, which takes enormous amount of energy and resources to process and break everything down. But the worst part is that we eat stuff which causes our blood sugar to spike and then immediately crash. Flavored yogurts, bananas, mangoes, raisins, shakes, orange juice, muffins, cookies, breakfast cereal, toast, pop tarts, jams, preserves, chocolate spread, nutella, honey, they all have extremely high sugar content. And then of course, we put sugar in our tea and coffee. And by the way, if you think you are safe because you only use organic sugar or rocaine sugar, maple syrup or honey, sorry, doesn't make any difference. The body response is the same, the insulin spike. So why do we have to assault our systems with this stuff? Well, first, we are addicted. We are junkies because the food manufacturers hook us on sugar. So we buy more and more of this stuff. Now, what is sugar? It's pure calories. It has no vitamins, no minerals, no proteins, no fats, nothing. It results in a huge spike of blood sugar and insulin release. Then our sugar crashes and we need more and more to satisfy our craving. It is arguably one of the most addictive substances in the world, like cocaine and heroin. And by the way, it has nothing to do with the taste itself. It works by sending a chemical signal to the brain which releases dopamine, a pleasure chemical. So it is literally a legalized drug. Now, you saw the effect it has on kids. They start running around, shout, argue, fight. Then their sugar levels crush and they become depressed, moody and irritated till the next can of coke or chocolate bar or cookie. Now, it's bad enough when it happens during the day, but in the morning, it's a murder, because there's already a lot of sugar in our blood, thanks to our liveR. Now, the negative effects of sugar on our health are enormous. I won't bore you with all this stuff. There are literally hundreds of medical documents and research papers on the subject. It's like a horror movie reading this stuff. Now, let's leave it for now and look at another crazy thing we do in the morning. And that is, well, if I tell you straight away, you will say that I finally lost my marbles. So I will start gently. Everything in this world was created with a purpose. Now, there are reasons behind everything which exists. Every object, creature or process. And even if we sometimes can't see what those reasons are, there are. Like, for example, I cannot possibly comprehend a purpose or a reason for creating a banjo. I'm sure there is a reason. Or what is the purpose of the Spice Girls? I don't know. But there is. What is the purpose of Democrats? Maybe to demonstrate the depth of insanity we can reach if we let certain types of minds to develop without proper selection process, I don't know. Maybe. But what I do know is that everything exists for a reason. For example, sweat glands. They produce sweat. Why? And what is sweat? It's mostly water, some minerals and waste products. It basically is a protective layer between our skin and environment. It regulates our body temperature. It hydrates our skin and hair, keeping it elastic and healthy. It unclogs and cleans blocked pores in our skin so nothing stays trapped there. It also fights bacteria because there is a peptide produced by sweat glands which acts like an antibiotic. So basically, it's protection for our skin, protection against infections, microbes, extreme temperature changes and so on. It is essential for our health. And what do we do? Yep, we remove it every day. We scrub it off. And not just that, we remove it by using chemicals. Just a few most common chemicals you routinely find in practically every bottle of body wash or shampoo sulfates. They strip your hair and scalp of their natural oils, causing dryness, flaking and irritation. The main thing about sulfates is that they have potential to form concurgence that can lead to kidney damage and hormone disruption. Parabens, polyethylene, trichlozan, foil, martigate, palmitate. Nice sounding substances. Do you know what they do? They disrupt your natural hormone balance. They cause skin irritation, affect reproductive health, cause neurotoxicity, infertility, hair loss, immune system issues, weight loss or gain, uncontrolled cellular reproduction, cancer, asthma, allergies. They cause skin issues. And I think that's enough for now. The list is huge. That's what we use to remove our protective barrier. We are left with a dry skin and hair. So after that, we start applying moisturizers, lotions, and of course, they are also full of toxic components, causing hormonal problems, allergies, hair loss. So why do we do this? Well, marketing, obviously. But the main reason is if we don't wash, we smell badly. We stink. Now, you remember what smell is? It's information. A healthy person doesn't smell pleasant or unpleasant. He has a neutral body odor which is unique to him and which contains information about his health, hormonal, emotional and physical state. For example, babies smell of health and happiness. Bad smell is usually an indication of a health problem. Usually it indicates bad diet and unprocessed food in our guts. It's a smell of toxins circulating around our bodies and getting out through our sweat glands. It's a warning. Imagine you drive your car and suddenly bum. There is a warning light on the dashboard. So what do you do? You bring the car to a mechanic. Obviously, you know that if you ignore this warning light, your car will start malfunctioning and will break down. Your mechanic says, oh, dear, you have a warning light. Don't you worry, we will fix it. And then puts a bit of cellar tape over the light. Here you go. Fixed. So the warning light is covered with the tape. I mean, it's still there, it's still flashing, but you can't see it. No light, no problem, right? Yep. But that's exactly what we do. In order to get rid of the bad smell, we strip our natural protection, leaving our skin and hair dry and damaged. Then we try to rehydrate it using more chemicals. And because we still continue to produce sweat and smell, we mask it with deodorants and perfume, which also contain hundreds of harmful chemicals and which cause further health problems and toxicity. There's something else about taking a shower. When you remove your protective layer, you leave your skin exposed and under the hot shower, your pores start to open. It becomes a sponge. The water we use to take a shower is not filtered, it's a tap water, which contains hormones, antibiotics, organic compounds, chlorine, pesticides, fertilizers, fluoride and God knows what. You wouldn't drink this water, right? Well, if you drink it, at least some of it will be processed and cleaned by your liver, kidneys and digestive system. But if it is absorbed through your skin and hair, it gets straight into your blood. It is said, never put anything on your skin which you wouldn't eat. Now, would you eat your nail polish? No. Would you drink your shampoo or body wash? No. Would you drink your deodorant? No. But we put it on our skin without even thinking. A living creature, be that a dog or human, really has to clean only few parts of its body. Mouth, where the food comes in, genitals where the waste comes out and pose. Feet, hands, which are in a constant contact with the soil and objects, so they accumulate microbes and bacteria. There's really no need to wash anything else unless you stink. And if you do, maybe it's a good idea to look for the reason instead of treating the symptoms and trying to cover it up. Now, here's a bit of good news if you really need to. There are natural cleansers, natural moisturizers, natural scents which will not damage your skin and your hair. Oils, flower essences, spices and plant extracts were used for centuries. Also, practically all of them have healing qualities. Like coconut oil will moisturize your hair, make your skin elastic and healthy. Now they are essential oils which work as stimulants. Oils which will improve your blood circulation or help with digestion, calm your nervous system, repair the damage to your skin and hair, clean your lungs or help with allergy. Improve your sleep, regulate your hormones. Also, they cost a fraction of what you would pay for some of the perfume products. Now 200 euro for some aluminium salt mixed with a propylene glycol and a dash of trichlozone. Allergy and liver damage included for free. Imagine the text on the €200 perfume bottle. A subtle hint of fresh citrus combined with a sensuality of a rose flower. Yep, you want a subtle hint of citrus. Squeeze a bit of lemon or lime peel on your neck. Rub a rose petal between your fingers. Done. The same smell, no chemicals. Also, lemon peel have vitamins and antioxidants, which are very good for your heart and immune system. Also, this smell is natural, so it will not musk, but rather mix with your natural odor. Done. Spend your €200 on something else. Go to Patreon and support me instead. How about that? Now, more good news. We are not cars. We were designed by someone way more skillful than your friendly car mechanic. Our bodies constantly repair the damage which we caused. We have a powerful self healing system which will take care of everything we throw it at. Just let it work. Don't get in a way. Stop using chemicals. Get a bit of protein, like eggs for breakfast with nothing else. Stop using processed food. Stop mixing carbs and proteins. Stop eating sugar. Stop listening to news. And voila. You are reborn. Time to wear white robes. Run to the fields and time to learn Kumbaya. Love you all and good night.

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